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Continental / Business Unit ContiTech

ContiTech is one of the world’s leading industrial specialists. The Continental group sector offers connected, eco-friendly, safe, comfortable and cross-material industrial as well as service solutions off-highway, on rail and road, in the air, above and below ground, in the industrial environment as well as for the food and furniture industry. With around 40,000 employees in more than 40 countries and sales of around €6.6 billion (2022), ContiTech is active in Asia, Europe, North and South America.

Continental/ContiTech Logo

Contact Person(s)

Maren Beckmann, Continental

Maren Beckmann

Senior Associate IT Consultant Smart Factory

Latest Podcast Episodes

ContiTech's solution strategy for 80 plants with central department at its heart

ContiTech's solution strategy for 80 plants with central department at its heart

In the 110th episode of the IoT Use Case Podcast, we dive deep into...

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11. October 2023

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