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The software company Cybus specializes in data integration for large scale manufacturing environments. As a factory data hub, its solution Connectware collects, processes, and distributes industrial data, enabling seamless communication between heterogeneous production floor and cloud systems. It supports a scalable and unified architecture along multiple factory sites and is tailored for production-critical operations. With Cybus, globally operating enterprises such as Liebherr and KRONE improve the efficiency and sustainability of their production processes.

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Contact Person(s)

Lara Ludwigs, Cybus

Lara Ludwigs

Head of Marketing

Latest Podcast Episodes

IoT app store: easy store floor integration

IoT app store: easy store floor integration

What are the advantages of an app store? It provides an overview of applications and technologies. In the blink of an eye, we can download apps we like and use them instantly....

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15. June 2022

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