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Innosep GmbH

innoSEP stands for – innovative Solutions for Engineering and Programming – and was founded with the idea of uniting computer science and engineering, two historically independent fields, with each other. But innoSEP today is more than that. Today they are your partner for the digitalization – cross-industrial and globally – to make sure everybody is unleashing the full potential of today’s and future technologies.

Source: https://www.innosep.de/company (25.10.2022)

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What is lowcode and how can I easily apply AI in practice? | Kerim Galal | InnoSEP

What is lowcode and how can I easily apply AI in practice? | Kerim Galal | InnoSEP

In podcast episode 2, Madeleine Mickeleit talks to Kerim Galal, CEO...

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15. September 2020

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