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Clogged filters in the painting process

IoT Use Case - Bosch
2 minutes Reading time
2 minutes Reading time

The unplanned replacement of a bath in dip coating not only costs a lot of money, it also results in a plant downtime of up to 12 days. Central monitoring and automatic alerts allow clogged filters to be replaced before downtime occurs.

The challenge: Detect clogged filters before it's too late

When coating by means of cathodic dip painting (CDP), a constant temperature is essential. Even a few degrees difference cause enormous costs. Permanently, therefore, a pump circulates the paint through a filter and heat exchanger.

If these become clogged due to deposits in the piping, the paint flow through the cooling area is not sufficient to keep the temperature constant. This costs companies dearly: The unplanned replacement of the entire cathodic dip painting bath can result in costs of 200,000 euros and a plant downtime of up to 12 days.

The solution: Central live monitoring and individual rules

To prevent this, timely filter replacement is necessary. But the condition of the filters often cannot be measured directly. Once they are clogged, there is hardly any time left to change them. The Nexeed Industrial Application System from Bosch Connected Industry monitors various parameters and thus detects clogged filters in good time.

The Nexeed Industrial Application System monitors relevant parameters live and centrally so that maintenance staff can keep a constant eye on the condition of the plant. Instead of only measuring the filter pressure, as was previously the case, the temperature and pressure difference upstream and downstream of the heat exchanger are also recorded. In addition, the system monitors the opening rate of the 3-way valve on the heat exchanger. Through individually defined rules, the system notifies the experts as soon as one of the measured parameters exceeds a critical value.


The result: Minimal downtime and reduced costs

The permanent monitoring and warnings issued in good time make it easier to plan filter replacement. This also works remotely: In the event of anomalies, the responsible maintenance engineer or technician receives a message and can thus react at an early stage.

If a clog is becoming apparent, a change can now also be planned at the weekend – saving valuable time and money. Unplanned and expensive system downtimes due to clogged filters are now a thing of the past in the Paint Shop.

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