Agile methods help companies to modernize the way they work and react more flexibly to external and internal circumstances. ITK Engineering offers individually tailored services for agile transformation.
The challenge: Rapid change calls for new ways of working
“Nothing is as constant as change”, as Heraclitus of Ephesus put it over 2000 years ago. Companies experience how valid this expression is today on an almost daily basis: highly dynamic markets, ever more individual customer requirements and increasing uncertainties demand speed of reaction and flexibility. In addition to such external triggers, internal requirements also demand a new approach. For example, the introduction or adaptation of critical production systems, such as a new MES (Manufacturing Execution System), poses a major challenge during ongoing operations.
Companies can meet this change with agile methods. They support employees, teams and companies in modernizing their working methods and processes in order to cope with the high demand for flexibility. ITK-Engineering supports companies – from the use of agile working methods to agile transformation – with tailored service offerings.
The solution: Agile methods for a step-by-step approach
Agile methods are flexible because they proceed iteratively and are particularly suitable for situations in which unforeseen things can happen – for example in product development, production or in organizational areas. The typical ‘sprints’ used for agility achieve visible progress in a short amount of time. This makes it possible to design new products without error-prone “overall planning” and to adapt them to reality at any time.
Individual projects with a suitable solution
Three customer groups can be identified for agile working methods, each of which requires a different approach:
Companies that already work in an agile environment but need support for individual projects. For this customer group, ITK Engineering offers support from experts such as Agile Coaches or Scrum Masters who work directly on the projects.
- Companies that want to change their way of working in projects to agility and therefore have uncertainties about how to proceed. First and foremost, coaching is necessary here. Experienced agile experts help to develop the concept for an agile project.
- Companies that are in the process of general modernization and transformation and want to introduce agile methods. Comprehensive advice on agile transformation is required here, which sheds light on all aspects of the transformation process in the specific company.
Each project is individual and begins with a definition of customer expectations. A subsequent review looks at the current organizational structure, working methods, processes, team cohesion, employee satisfaction and commitment. Based on these findings, customized solutions are then developed to make a project or the entire organization more agile and efficient.
Starting the agile transformation
In many cases, the usual, often rigid organizational concepts can no longer cope with the dynamics of the markets. Companies therefore strive for flexibility in order to meet future and unknown requirements. An agile transformation is not just a change in working methods, but often a complete change process. It changes a great deal in the internal structures of a company.
This can lead to fear among employees. Proven skills and existing knowledge no longer seem to be enough. This is why change management is crucial for a company undergoing agile transformation. When switching to agile methods, companies face many challenges, such as the integration of new technologies.
In this situation, it is important that the teams remain motivated and are able to adapt to the dynamic environment. For a complete agile transformation, all employees should also understand the value and purpose of the agile way of working. ITK Engineering therefore also offers training and support to improve communication and understanding throughout the company.
The result: An agile company
The current market situation demands greater flexibility from many companies. Agile methods make it possible to proceed step by step and adapt to rapidly changing conditions. However, this agile transformation is a far-reaching change process that affects the entire organizational structure of a company.
For success, it is crucial to integrate change management and involve all employees in the agile way of working. To this end, ITK Engineering always responds to the individual needs of its customers. This is based on many years of experience and a clear conviction: There is no “one customer” or “one requirement” that can be met with a rigid concept. Every customer is unique.