Digital Business Development
Compressed air is an important energy carrier in industry, but has an efficiency of only 10-15 percent. HEITEC...
27. April 2023
Transparency is becoming increasingly important in our digital world, and sustainable decisions can only be made with the right data. Manufacturing companies are therefore fac...
Mechanical and Plant Engineering Production SMC Deutschland GmbH
31. August 2022
Monitoring machine data centrally across multiple sites requires connecting machines to the IIoT. If data proc...
22. February 2022
#machinedowntime #pneumatics #causesoffaults #SMC...
04. February 2021
In many companies from the manufacturing industry, it is unknown how high the energy demand of a single machin...
04. February 2021
Operating hours, parts produced per hour, standby times, CO2 consumption per product, liters of compressed air per minute - these are all data that contain great added value. ...
12. April 2023
Energy - CO2 - Pneumatics - SMC - DELL - Software AG...
27. November 2020
Internet of Things (IoT) is the English version for the Internet of Things. The definition to the meaning is wide, so we translate the terms from industry to practice here.
Whatever you call it, you’ll find it here without “buzzword bullshit bingo.”
We look forward to hearing from you!